Setting up a Personal MLS Portal is really easy. You can perform any of the search choices listed in the MLS Search link in the above menu above. There is a setup Button at the top to setup access. Or ….. just use the form below and have us create the portal for you.
You will have the ability to perform a search of MLS listings through Flexmls based on the form answers. You will be sent a portal link and be asked to create a password. Once you successfully log in to your portal you’ll have the ability to perform a search by clicking the Search tab on the home page. You can then search by using the filters or the map.
The Portal allows you to search, however you cannot save a search, only the agent can. In their portal they’ll be able to view any Saved Searches you’ve created for them.
If you like a property in your search, you can click on the Star to make it a favorite. If you do not like a particular listing they can click on the No symbol to hide it.
For a video of how to use your Portal, go to: